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The Benefits of an LL.M. - B2S X ARGO

  • Argo Law 28 Borsbeeksebrug Antwerpen, Vlaams Gewest, 2600 Belgium (kaart)

Are you thinking of venturing abroad after obtaining your law degree? Do you feel a bit stressed out about all the choices and deadlines? Picking a law school, obtaining funding and getting through the application process can be quite overwhelming. Our LL.M graduates are happy to share their experiences with you and answer your questions at our annual LL.M event.

During this event, we will talk about the benefits of pursuing an LL.M., share some inside information and discuss the do’s and don’ts for your application. After the presentation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and get to know our lawyers. All accompanied by drinks and bites, of course. We look forward to meeting you and to share our personal experiences with you!

Join us: https://forms.gle/7m8MGnUqcwjvHjaL9